subhash nigam 
 New Delhi :  12th Agriculture Leadership Awards 2021 by AgToday Group were presented yesterday late evening in New Delhi by the Union Agriculture Minister, Mr. NS Tomar, joined by Union Minister, Sh. Kailash Chowdhary and Member, NITI Ayog, Dr. Ramesh Chand. Seen in the picture are Dr. Ashok Dalwai, Chairman, PM Committee on Doubling Farmers Income and Agriculture Ministers of UP, Haryana and Uttarakhand, Sh. SP Shahi, Sh. JP Dalal and Sh. Subodh Uniyal. A galaxy of dignitaries from food and agriculture system joined on this occasion.

The group photograph of Awardees 2021. Uttar Pradesh received the Best Agriculture State Award, Uttarakhand the Best Horticulture State Award, Telangana the Policy Leadership Award and Haryana the State Innovations Award. Mr. Sanjeev Chadha, MD, Nafed was presented the Best CEO Award, Sh. RS Sodhi, MD, AMUL the Lifetime Award, Dr. Neelam Patel, Advisor, NITI Ayog, Program Leadership, Dr. Pravin Rao, VC, PJTSAU, Academic, IARI, Research, NinjaKart the Startup, Dabur, CSR and Syngenta the Industry Leadership Award. report by Dr. MJ Khan, Chairman, ICFA and President, Agriculture Today Group

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डिब्बर भारत में अपने 12वें प्रीस्कूल के साथ पटना में वैश्विक उत्कृष्टता लेकर आया