Subhash Nigam
new delhi : Ex bihar governor Sardar Buta Singh passed away this morning, 7:10 am. At 12 afternoon he will be bring from our Home K33, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi to Sri Nanaksar Gurudwara (Wazirabad) and cremation will be at 4pm at Lodhi Road Crematorium.

Sardar Buta Singh was instrumental in building/re-building many Gurdwaras in India and in foreign countries specially Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib after operation Blue Star in 1984 (Sikhs demolished this building as Sarkari construction and re-built by Kar-Sewa) and thereafter many Gurdwaras in Delhi after the massacre of Sikhs/Riots in November 1984. He also gave assistance to acquire lands for expansion of Gurdwaras specially Gurdwara Bangla Sahib and Gurdwara Bala Sahib in Delhi. He also helped many Sikh IAS/IPS & other officers to acquire jobs/placement/promotions in State and Central Government.

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डिब्बर भारत में अपने 12वें प्रीस्कूल के साथ पटना में वैश्विक उत्कृष्टता लेकर आया