NEW DELHI: If anyone needs evidence from the Vedas on the marriage ceremony, Saptapadi has prime importance in Hindu marriage. This is also the real proof of marriage. Consider its articles five, six and seven:

5. स्वसद्यकार्ये व्यवहारकर्मण्ये व्यये मामापि मन्त्रयेथा

वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रूते वच: पंचमत्र कन्या !!

(If you take my advice while spending in your household work, marriage etc., transaction or any other, then I accept to come to your Vamang.)

This verse completely outlines the rights of the wife. Many people do not consider it necessary to consult their wife in every kind of work. Now if the wife is consulted before doing any work, then it not only increases the respect of the wife, but also gives a feeling of satisfaction towards her rights.

6. न मेपमानमं सविधे सखीनां द्यूतं न वा दुर्व्यसनं भंजश्चेत !

वामाम्गमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति कन्या वचनं च षष्ठम!!

(If I am sitting among my friends or other women, then you will not insult me there for any reason in front of everyone. If you keep yourself away from gambling or any other kind of addiction, then only I accept coming to your Vamang.)

In the present context, this verse contains serious meaning. After marriage, the behavior of some men starts changing. He scolds his wife in front of everyone on the slightest thing. How much the heart of the poor wife must have been hurt by such behavior. Here the wife wants that, of course, in solitude, the husband scolds her as she pleases, but her honor should be protected in front of everyone, as well as he should not destroy her household life by getting caught in any addiction.

7. परस्त्रियं मातृ्समां समीक्ष्य स्नेहं सदा चेन्मयि कान्त कुर्या!

वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रूते वच: सप्तममत्र कन्या !!

(You will consider other women like mothers and will not make anyone a partner in the midst of mutual love between husband and wife. If you give this promise to me, then only I accept to come under your Vamang.)

After marriage, if a person becomes misguided by the attraction of any other woman, then what’s the result? You all know this very well. Therefore, through this promise, the girl tries to secure her future.

Yogini, an offbeat film about 28 young women from diverse backgrounds in medieval Odisha was premiered Saturday at India International Centre, New Delhi. The women flouted conventional norms and refused to surrender to circumstances – to become Yoginis. It’s a “musical manifestation” produced and directed by two women who dare to defy and put in whatever it takes.

The experimental film produced by renowned singer Susmita Das, popularly known as “Lata Mangeshkar of Odisha” and Biyot Prajna Tripathy was screened before a house-full audience under the aegis of Mancha – Odisha Forum. The film is based on conceptualization by Hara Prasad Das that Yoginis are those strong women of marginalized communities who stood-up and resisted exploitation.

Although an art-film prepared by stitching 28 choreographed songs, it could hold attention of the audience for full 90 minutes. Everyone appreciated deft handling of a complex subject by director, Biyot Prajna Tripathy. The music by Omprakash Mohanty and rendition by Susmita Das were captivating. Eminent persons in audience such as Jatin Das, KJ Alphons, DP Bagchi were highly appreciative of the unique endeavour by two ladies on the subject of women’s empowerment.

Yogini is a lyrical expression of those fearless, sharp women’s minds, bodies, desires, wishes, circumstances, and their honesty to themselves which even after so many years is relevant today, amidst the social patriarchal system which wants to regulate them in the name of culture and tradition. It is an eye-opening effort that elucidates the struggles of these women since Indian history is not always taught throughout the world.

“Odisha Forum is really happy that it started the New Year celebrations by screening a critically acclaimed film “Yogini” at the C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, India International Centre on Saturday (20th January). It is a film about women who were highly influenced by the Vajrayana and Tantric tradition of Buddhism which was prevalent in Odisha and some other eastern states between 8th and 12th Centuries,” said Nivedita Pradhan, senior member, organizing committee, Odisha Forum.

“The film is a lyrical expression of the story of 28 women, mostly from the marginalised and suppressed sections of the society and their fearless struggle to free themselves from the bondage of tradition to fulfil the desires of their mind and body. The story is relevant even today in the patriarchal social system which tries to regulate women in the name of culture and tradition,” said Mrs. Tripathi, the screen writer and Director.

The film is jointly produced by Susmita Das and Biyot Projna Tripathy with lyrics and narration by Hara Prasad Das. Om Prakash Mohanty has composed the music while Susmita Das is the play-back singer. Biyot Pronja Tripathy is credited with the concept, screenplay and direction.

“Yogini” was honoured for the ‘Best Female Director’ award at the London Independent Film Awards (Feature Film 2021); ‘Best Screen Writer’, ‘Most Original Feature film’ and ‘Best Experimental Film’ at the Lion Film Festival. It is yet to be commercially exhibited in India.


By ramshaw

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