Lav kumar mishra 
patna : Bihar Vidhan Sabha centenary celebrations are on with the Rashtrapati,Mr Ramnath Kovind being the chief guest.I am privileged to have covered the sittings since 1973.I remember with respect the way in which Mr Harinath Mishra, Mr Radhanandan Jha,Mr Tripurari Prasad Singh conducted business, particularly question hours.Debates were also educative and interesting with Mahamaya Prasad Sinha,
Chandrashekhar Singh (CPI),Karpoori Thakur being heard with uninterrupted attention by both opposition and treasury members.
Mahamaya Babu was always ready with books and documents,once he came with a book on French Revolution and warned the Rulers not to behave like King  Loius XVI. Karpooriji was an excellent orator with full throated arguments fortified with facts. As Speaker, Harinath Mishra was stern , both in action and by face, Radhanandan Jha, always in hurry.
if I remember right, debates on the passage of Universities Bills and Panchyati  Raj continued for long. As Chief Minister, Abdul Ghafoor will be known for his “sarkar ke haath lambe hote hain”. Daroga Prasad Rai while replying to the budget demands took leaf out of an opposition woman member and in a witty remark said” my wife also thinks like you”. Kapildeo Singh was a voracious reader, visitor to the library, have seen him at Tricel on Frazer road , he silenced the opposition with his narrations. Nominated Angelo Indian member, HA Brown who stayed on Hardinge Road bungalow opposite assembly, hardly spoke. Ramashray Prasad Singh was visibly angry with his officers in the gallery  as he was not getting inputs to his satisfaction to respond to the supplementaries , threw the file on his department’s secretary sitting in the officers gallery. A    senior minister who was not getting co_operation from his secretary warned him” in the assembly, I have to reply, I will arrange an opposition sponsored question and admit on the floor of the House admitting lapses and put the blame on you”And, he did. I remember, the Public Undertakings Committee in assembly submitting its report on Patna urban bank with annexurrs to suggest loans were given on mortgages of Gandhi Maidan and platform number one of Patna junction.i could cover the report and government appointed a liquidator, chairman was removed
Wish Bihar Vidhan Sabha a brighter future  with glorious past

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