PATNA: BJP on Saturday alleged many women workers of the BJP who were part of the party’s march to state Assembly on Thursday were brutally hit by the male police.The four members fact finding team of the party sent by BJP president,J P Nadda,met some of the workers and leaders injured in police action and claimed women workers were treated badly by the male police.
Ms Sunita Duggal,member of Lok Sabha from Sirsa in Haryana,who is a member of the team,said”Male police hit the women workers on their chest,back  and bellies .It was barbaric action as police hit them with lathis on all parts .”.She disclosed the names of half a dozen women workers who are admitted in different hospitals .Though women police were present,they were not used against the women,she regretted.”IT was worst kind of eve teasing”,Ms Duggal alleged.
Raghuwar Das,former chief minister of BJP and national vice-president of the team who is leading the team, demanded judicial probe into the police action.According to Das,the march was peaceful and there was no provocation from the workers inviting police action.Over 200 people are admitted at different hospital after receiving lathi blows,Das claimed.
The team included two other MPs,Manoj Tiwari and V D Ram.
V D Ram who was senior SP of Patna in late 80s retired as DG of Jharkhand police.He said during his tenure as SSP at Patna,there had been many rallies and agitations,but police acted peacefully to disperse the agitators.”Police action on Thursday was unwarranted.MPs and MLAs should have been distinguished and isolated”,he said and quoted standard operation procedures.
Former union minister and member of Lok Sabha from Patna Saheb,Ravi Shankar Prasad,present at the press conference said claim of the national president of JDU,U,Lallan Singh that chilly powder was thrown on the police by the BJP workers was not found true.Police committed excesses on the unarmed party workers.
Meanwhile,BJP organised state wide dharna in protest against the police action.Party leaders were on dharna at district headquarters,while at Patna,state president,Samreat Chaudhury,leader of opposition,Vijay Kumar Sinha,party legislator from Patna,Nand Kishore Yadav joined the sit in agitation.

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